Inform : to communicate knowledge to : to give character or essence to : to be the characteristic quality of |
Rend : to remove from place by violence : to lacerate mentally or emotionally : to pierce with sound |
CopperMind is a personal reflection of how landscape informs identity. And how obliterating a landscape rends the identity of those who were raised in it.
This rough draft introduction previews the project theme. It's next phase is in production and has been included in an international multifaceted effort called Extraction: Art on the Edge of the Abyss.
Reared in a Sacrifice Zone
Christmas 1961 (my sister) - First Photo with my new Brownie Kodak Camera |
The place where I grew up
No longer exists Not even on a map. |
It was buried in the slow consumption Of Company claimed ore Bought at a cost That only corruption can afford. |
A landscape that once fed fervent ambition Was crushed without an anchor To hold its place in time. |
Eaten Alive
Along the route we happened to pass an old man without an arm and my son took note. A short time later, another old man hobbled up the street with the aid of a wooden leg. With that, my son lowered his eyes and said, “it looks to me like Butte just eats people alive”.
A Sense of Self: Memory, The Brain, and Who We Are
Veronica O'Keane
* Patrick Modiano, 'Flowers of Ruin', from Suspended Sentences