Founder -
Digital media production and training
- Myrna Loy Center for Media and Performing Arts
- Montana Public Schools and State Government
- Kaiser Permanente Health Plan
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- Headwaters Rural Development Corp
Website and User Experience (UX) Manager -
BlueCross BlueShield MT, Helena MT
Designed, developed, and maintained corporate Websites
- Digital Asset Production and Management
- Project and Staff Management
- Requirements Analysis
- User Interface Prototyping and Testing
- Quality Assurance Monitoring
- Video Production
- Technical Writing
Adjunct professor -
Dept. of Communications, Menlo College, Atherton CA
Taught courses in digital media production and script
Adjunct Professor -
Technical Communications, Montana State University
Taught courses in Web design, content production, asset management,
and social media networking
Corporate Advisory Board - MSU - Department of Technical
Instructor -
Bay Area Video Coalition, San Francisco CA
Taught software training in digital media production
Media Producer -
Kaiser Permanente Health Plan, Oakland CA
Produced computer animation and video for medical
staff and member education
Assistant Manager -
Adolph Gasser Inc., San Francisco CA
Supervised motion picture equipment sales and rental staff; provided
customer training and support